Automatic sized UI going crazy - jiggling and rescaling

Today we are receiving a lot of reports about UI breaking. It is happening to automatic width elements that are constantly rescaling making them jiggle uncontrollably. It happens when scrolling, and looks worse the bigger the resolution. It happens in Studio, Windows, and MacOS. Seems to be an update to Roblox that caused it. I do not believe we changed anything.

I’ve shown the setup of the UI in private

A private message is associated with this bug report


If this happening only in studio? It may be a similar problem to what I am facing.

Hey, we have reverted a change that may have caused this, please let us know if it’s still happening! Thanks

Can we have a report in why this is happening? it seems like Text is trying to Rescale itself


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Yes it is fixed now on our live game, thank you.

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