I need help with the script, it turns off/on when I click the button, however, it doesn’t turn off itself.
local button = script.Parent
local light = game.Workspace.genez.lightez
local pointlight = game.Workspace.Lightemitter.PointLight
local ClickDetector = button.ClickDetector
local on = false
if on == false then
on = true
pointlight.Enabled = true
light.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(“Lime green”)
on = false
pointlight.Enabled = false
light.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(“Really red”)
if on == true then
pointlight.Enabled = true
light.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Lime green")
elseif on == false then
pointlight.Enabled = false
light.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really red")
if on == true then
on = false
How can I make it work?
You are only setting the variable to false. You have to disable the PointLight and change the BrickColor too.
How can I commit this change though?
With the way you’ve done it, a change like this is simply just,
if on == true then
on = false
pointlight.Enabled = false
light.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(“Really red”)
Which is how I believe you intended on making this if I’m not mistaken
So, which part of the script should I replace?
I’ll rewrite the script to so where needs to be, with a few minor changes here and there how I would do and explain why I did these
local button = script.Parent
local light = game.Workspace.genez.lightez
local pointlight = game.Workspace.Lightemitter.PointLight
local ClickDetector = button.ClickDetector
local on = false
if on then
pointlight.Enabled = true
light.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Lime green")
on = false
pointlight.Enabled = false
light.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really red")
pointlight.Enabled = false
light.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really red")
on = not on
First thing you probably notice is how there’s no == true and == false. In Roblox there other ways of showing that, if you just write the variable name, that will make it check if the condition is true, I also made the elseif into an else since if on is not true, then it obviously has to be false.
I also combined the condition to automatically turn the light of into the if statement because that’s where it should be in the first place. I’m not saying how you did it was wrong, I’m just saying other ways you could put code around to see what looks cleaner and all
The last thing I did was instead of manually inverting the boolean variable I used,
on = not on
Which inverts for us instead (if on is true then it becomes false and vice versa).
Hopefully this helped you understand a bit more of other ways of doing stuff in terms of scripting and I hope this also helped in terms of the solution
Thank you for help! It worked.
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Glad that I helped you out! If you ever have any more issues, don’t be afraid to make another post in Scripting Support!
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