Automatic UIAspectRatioConstraint insertion plugin - Keep UI the same aspect ratio on all resolutions

Hey guys so people have been asking me how to use Aspect Ratios to make GUI’s the same ratio on each screen. So basically, I made this plugin that adds an aspect ratio to everything that you have selected. This plugin automatically sets the AspectRatio on the UIAspectRatioConstraint based on the parent’s AbsoluteSize. This tool is extremely easy to use and can be very useful saving tons of time. Make sure to convert the item to scale for better results!

How to use:

  • Install the plugin
  • Select all of the items you want converted
  • Press the “Add UIAspectRatioConstraint”
  • Finished.

plugin link:

proof that it works:

my discord if you have any questions: lua god#1337


Sorry could no see the proof. Looks to me like the source was blocked.

OMG! I was waiting so long for someone to make this! This is honestly just so epic! Thanks.

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Just for info: it doesn’t work if you put a UI objects on the bottom, left, right or top of the screen.

forgot to mention, make sure you put all the items inside of a frame to get the exact location


Umm i guess that plugin is not working

Hold up , nevermind my studio was just glitched

OMG Thank you SO much ! I’ve even PAID for plugins that didn’t work and now I finally see this. Thank you!!!