Automatically Delete [ Content Deleted ] Group Wall Post

It’s great that the comments are Content Deleted but it’s still makes group walls look like a complete mess.

Please Automatically delete Group Wall Post that are [ Content Deleted ], it shouldn’t be our job to clean up after the system when it could be easily implemented and fully automated.

If you aren’t convinced I’ll make a few points;

  • Would you prefer Developers to spend time making games or wasting time cleaning their Group wall?

  • Even though these comments are [ Content Deleted ] they are still blocking real useful player feedback from being seen more easily

  • Some Developers might choose to close the group wall entirely because of how unusable it is at it’s current state and loose out on valuable player feedback

I understand that you guys (Roblox Staffs) are working hard on improving the platform and implementing quality of life features for us and I can really appreciate that but please make this happens if you aren’t going to already it’s only logical.