Automatically remove bot posts on your group wall [v1.0.3] [BROKEN]

Can’t wait to use this

this happend to me, there is no way I can do it myself, so thanks!

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This only works for the first page of the group wall, or am I missing something?

The script is great if you want to remove ALL of the group wall post just put

a,e,i,o,u in the blacklist array

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At least in the setting I’m using it in, I never actually get past the first page because it deletes massive chains of bot posts. Meaning it never increments past the first post, as the first post continually gets deleted.

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Update: I have rewritten the code to properly support checking the next page. You will need to enable it manually by setting the “AdvancePages” variable to “true”.

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Super useful, saved.

Thank you for this. I’ll make sure people know about this too since they have the same problems (As well as me).

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This doesn’t seem to work anymore, are you planning to update it?

I haven’t gotten a single bot post since the CAPTCHA update so I wasn’t even aware, but if I start getting more and need to fix the program I will put the new version up on here.

Is there a new group wall layout available to some people? I remember seeing some screenshots of it some time ago, but haven’t personally gotten it on my end yet so I don’t know what I’d even need to do to make it work with that. I imagine that would be what’s breaking it if it just suddenly stopped working for some people.

I do have the new layout, so that’s what’s likely breaking it.

I didn’t see this post when i had the old layout, so there are still many thousands of bot comments on one of my groups that would take days to remove manually.

As a quick fix for now, throw an alt account on your group and give it post-removing privileges. I imagine all regular users still have the old wall format, so the script should still work for you on that account.

Would this ever include an option to auto exile the users with the blacklist words? Having a Roblox group with over 200 pages and 500+ bots make it difficult to clean by hand without going to mental boredom.

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You can look into this instead.

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Some ideas to prevent actual users getting flagged

Is this the user’s first message?
Is the message recurring (identical to others)
Does the message contain a non-RBLX link that has been sent multiple times

I think the functionality may have been broken by the New group details page unless I’m running it wrong

Has someone tested this with the new group layout?

THANK YOU, my group been getting bombarded by bots, driving away people to join my group.

My group wall has been closed recently so I haven’t tested it with the new layout but I plan to rewrite it for the new layout whenever I end up reopening it. If anybody wants to make the appropriate changes sooner than that I can make that the new code in the OP.


The captchas may also cause issues.

What exactly did they change with the new group layout update? I might be able to modify this a bit on my own time but I don’t really know what they changed with the update…