Hi all,
After struggling for a solid 2 days with AutomaticSize
and AspectRatioConstraint
I’ve come to realize it’s impossible to have a frame be automaticsize based on the height a aspectratio gives.
I simplified the situation and I will try to explain the issue further below.
- Insert a frame
- Set it’s height to 0 and set automaticSize to
The height will now depend on it’s children - Insert a frame within the Frame, with 0 height, and 50% width
everything is fine so far - Usually a AspectRatioConstraint is OK with taking the width in consideration for height, but since the first frame has no height, the aspectratio appears to not work.
It seems impossible to use aspectRatio in combination with automaticSize, I know it could be done with lua but that’s not a (proper) solution so please don’t suggest that.