AutomaticSize doesn't respect UISizeConstraint constraints

Reproduction Steps

System Information

  • OS: Windows 10 Home
  • CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
  • Memory: 16.0GB

Reproduction File

Expected Behavior
AutomaticSize should clamp the size after calculating it if a UISizeConstraint is found present under the GuiObject.


Actual Behavior
AutomaticSize completely ignores any UISizeConstraint.

For example, if the AutomaticSize property of a Frame is set to Y then the size should be 200x200.
The problem is if I have a UISizeConstraint under the Frame with AutomaticSize enabled, it won’t clamp it down to 100x100.


Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Bumping this; I can’t report bugs for some reason :pensive:.

AutomaticSize ignores both the SizeConstraint and ClipsDescendants properties of parents. This happens consistently.


We recently have an update around AutomaticSize using SizeConstraint. Please let me know if you can see the issue still, repro files are always welcome for any report.


It still happens; here’s a simple repro place:
AutomaticSize ignores UISizeConstraint bug.rbxl (43.6 KB)

Bump - this is still an issue as seen in the repro place above.

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still an issue and super easy to replicate, this is my current issue right now:

  1. Frame with AutomaticSize set to Y
  2. UISizeConstraint in that Frame with Maximum.Y = 250 pixels
  3. ScrollingFrame parented to that Frame with AutomaticSize set to Y
  4. Put as many elements as possible and our root Frame will not respect the UISizeConstraint and go past 250 pixels
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going to re-bump this, ran into this exact issue once again in a different situation, trying to restrain a Frame that grows automatically according to a UIListLayout to not go out of a constrained area and because of this bug the constraint isn’t applied.

This is a huge problem, it would be great if there could be an update. Will have to resort to manually updating the Frame height to match the list contents/padding to keep the constraint behavior working.

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Throwing in a real world example - I was creating a custom player list and I wanted to clamp the size through UISizeConstraint so you have to scroll if there’s more than 8 players in-game. Would heavily appreciate this bug being fixed!

this is still happening. super inconvenient pls fix xoxo

The fact that this has been an issue for the past couple years and still not being addressed.


Hello, this issue is still occuring

Can I get another bump on this issue. I’m running into this issue whilst trying to develop Iris.