Autosave ain't doing the Autosaving

I have the Autosave interval set to 5 minutes, however in my autosaves the most recent autosave is 5am when it is currently 6am. What gives?? Fix?

EDIT: (The most recent autosave should be ~5 minutes before present time, otherwise it’s not actually autosaving every 5 minutes, to state the problem)

EDIT: It’s doing it again:

Click date modified to resort the listing if you hadn’t.

Yep I’ve spam click done that and reinstalled my eyeballs many times for assurance, I can remember this happening consistently for months now.

Sometimes multiple studio instances can mess with the saving. Also check the file path for the save.

I do have multiple instances running sometimes, for testing and rare occasions, I mostly have only 1 open. I’m checking the correct path