Autosave causes lost input

So when autosave does its thing, any kind of input sent to Studio is ignored. As such, I end up dealing with the following scenarios whenever Studio autosaves my work:

  • If had a key pressed then unpressed it as Studio was autosaving, Studio would still think the W key is pressed. This happens incredibly often with the movement keys and the result is that the camera just starts flying away in one direction without you having any keys pressed. Pressing that key again registers the key release event and fixes everything, but still.

  • The same goes for mouse events, if I were resizing something at the time and released the left mouse button during autosave, Studio will still think the left mouse button is held in.

  • This ones a bit more irritating but harder to actually pull off as you need to time it just right: If your toolbox menu drop down is tweening and an autosave occurs, the menu remains stuck at that position. Another dropdown will appear on top of it so the toolbox is still usable, but this ghost menu will remain on your screen until sometime after you close Studio (not instantly…?)… regardless of whether or not Studio is visible.

So uh, yeah.


I cannot reproduce any of these. What OS and version of Studio are you using?

Windows 10, Version 59d9f194d92d441b

This has been happening for months. It probably helps to try this on a large place file so autosave takes a little longer than it would saving a blank baseplate.

That’s not a valid version number. It should be under File->About Roblox… somewhere.

Just so I have a similar situation, can you send me a copy of said place? I’ll spend some time investigating this.


I’ll PM you the place file.