Autosave deselects the Property window

I’m not sure how long this bug has been around, but it’s pretty simple.
Whenever Studio autosaves, if I am editing an object’s properties from the Property window, studio un-focuses the property window and I have to reselect it after the autosave finishes.

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Still happening as of Feb 2020.
But wait there’s more!

Not only will Autosave unfocus the Property window, but after doing so it will commit any unfinished change you’re making to a Property. This is double-bad.

To repo this behavior, you can click on the Name property, edit it, and wait for the next Autosave without committing the change. When the Autosave occurs, your object’s name will have changed and the Property window will be unfocused, causing you to have to refocus it again and fix the error.

I categorized this thread in #platform-feedback:studio-bugs because while the synchronous behavior of Autosave is terrible, it’s not a bug.
However, the deselection and commitment of a currently edited Property seems like bug behavior to me.

As @Shedletsky mentioned in 2018, the undesirable synchronicity of Autosave has been a problem since 2016. It’s one of those small things that makes Studio feel behind-the-times, and ought to be remedied.

Fun Fact: An average 8 hour workday with a Autosave interval of 5 minutes means your display will be freezing ~100 times a day :grimacing:

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