Autosave Freezes Studio Actions

In the past during an autosave, studio would not freeze and would allow you to continue moving around, panning the camera, etc.
Since the last update, it now freezes the mouse position, does not allow camera rotation, and more. Autosave was amazing and super smooth in the past because it caused absolutely no interference, but now that it causes studio freezing temporarily it is very jarring when an autosave occurs.


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!

Hi @koob85

Please provide some dump files so we can find the root cause of the issue much easier!
Make sure to follow the guideline accordingly, you can ping me after you’ve done it!


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vid of it happening:

i assume the larger the place file the more hanging time there is. (I think the official name is Auto-Recovery not autosave)

ive tried uploading a dmp file like 10 times but its too big to send :skull:
it’s 1gb zipped and 9gb unzipped.

Hi! Thanks for reaching out. We have not recently made changes to the autosave functionality and it has always been blocking. Is it possible that it was the changes you introduced recently to the place that made serialization slower? In the long term, we are discussing how to improve autosave but there is no timeline yet to promise.

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Potentially could be a bias from me: I’m usually in the script editor during auto saves, but recently have been building more. Just wanted to make sure this wasn’t new behavior! Thanks for your response!


Hello! We recently adjusted autosave so it’s less likely to go off while you’re actively editing something.

There’s still a tiny chance of this interruption happening if it hasn’t been able to successfully autosave in a long time, but it should be less frequent than before. Thanks for your report!


Thanks for this QOL improvement. I would like to note that I do still believe there is an issue with respect to autosave time being quite a bit longer than it used to be, and @Defaultio has summarized his concerns as well. Please do check out his post below:

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Ty for the heads up - looks like a ticket has been assigned for it, so someone should be looking into it soon!