Autosave Team Create scripts even if they're being edited

For whatever reason, scripts that are currently being edited aren’t autosaved in Team Create. I want them to be saved. The amount of times I’ve been working in a script for ages and then Team Create disconnects me, causing me to lose my work because it wasn’t autosaved since I was editing is surreal. Autosave in Team Create should be just as reliable as Autosave in non-Team Create places.


If I have scripts open and I close my studio window, are they still published or do I lose that work? That’s my immediate concern with this report.

If you close the studio window manually, yes, it saves. But if you don’t manually click that x button (either on the window or on the place’s tab) and it successfully closes, you lose your work in any scripts you’re currently editing. That means your work will be lost when:

  • Studio crashes / freezes
  • You’re disconnected from Team Create
  • You manually publish with File > Publish To ROBLOX and disconnect by freezing/crashing and not exiting out manually
  • Studio freezes/crashes while you’re exiting the place manually


  1. Create new team create place (or use this one I just created)
  2. Create a script
  3. Open and edit it, and don’t close the script
  4. Wait for “Auto-Saving…” to appear OR publish it manually with File > Publish
  5. Use the task manager to kill studio
  6. Re-open and your changes are not there
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For the issue of being disconnected, that is easily avoidable.
Saving a local copy saves your edits.

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Just lost an hour’s worth of work after a crash because Team Create didn’t save my changes since I was still editing the script (even though the changes are present when I go into play solo?)

I’m not very familiar with Team Create, but if Play Solo is really Solo, then it should have saved a place file around the studio executable. You might be able to retrieve your changes by opening it.

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