(My last autosave was 6/10. Today is 8/21. That is my autosave directory. Autosave is enabled. Autosaves broken?)
Seriously this has always been broken for me, says it autosaves every 5 minutes in the output (which, by the way, FREEZES studio for like 5 seconds -_-) Now I gotta remake lost work… (what autosaves are for) Is this just me? Every 5 minutes means a new file in my Autosaves folder, shouldn’t it? That’s what I expect from it. Is it broken?
The habit of pressing save manually often didn’t prevent this work loss, what happened is I accidentally deleted a GUI, saved, then close window (when I should’ve just saved and close. It happened in 2 seconds, it happens sometimes.)
Oh I don’t know if a lot of people know, but auto save was moved to a new folder called Recent Saves, and it overrides your previous save so it doesn’t get clogged with auto saves.