I’m working on a project where the player can insert a mesh ID into a Gui, and that meshed part will appear in the workspace. I tried using MeshParts because they seemed perfect until I found out that you cannot set the mesh ID via script. I am now using SpecialMeshes, but the scaling is a bit wonky. For example, a scale of Vector3.new(1,1,1)
for one mesh could appear a lot smaller than a scale of Vector3.new(1,1,1)
for another.
(these two meshes have the same scale)
Because of this information, the scale is obviously relative to the initial size of the mesh. I was wondering if there was any way that I could auto-scale a mesh to fit a certain Vector3? So that the scale could change to match the size?
If you have any other solutions that still solve the same issue, please let me know!