Autumn in aspen forest

Hello there! So, i’ve got inspired by rocky mountains aspen groves and i decided to recreate something similiar. Feedback is highly welcomed since it’s a work in progress project!


Gosh the trees, change the size, add some wobble, change variety, I think the lighting and terrain is good, just the trees… Pretty good though!


Terrain looks good but a bit flat. I would add some verity or trees and different tree sizes.

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The repetitive use of the exact same birch tree gets extremely sickly to look at, there’s no distinction between what place is what and a person could immediately be confused on their standpoint in all of these photos.

I highly suggest adding a variety of trees, and I’m not talking tree species, but some variety in the way that the birch trees look. I also recommend adding more decoration such as bushes, rocks and - if you want to delve into more detail - flora.

The water could maybe use a hint of transparency too; however, if that looks off then I believe the settings you have now are pleasing to look at. Also, looking at photos of Aspen Forest, some hills can be seen in the background so I suggest you add those in to make your terrain pop a lot more.

Overall, it’s a good build, but it could be made into so much more with enough time.


Oh, thank you very much for your feedback! I’ve added a little bit of size variation and other settings but looks like it wasn’t enough, i’ll definitely change that!