Abilities & Experience:
Hello! My name is @KristoferWasHere (Generic_Kris) and I am an extremely advanced builder/level designer on Roblox. My abilities include 3D modeling on Blender, 2D graphics and logo design on Gimp, building and terrain art on Roblox Studio. I have approximately 7 years of experience in development on Roblox.
Additional Info:
In addition to development, I am well versed in leadership, management, documentation, and organization. I am very communicative and can use voice chat to communicate with a possible client. Even though English isn’t my primary language, I speak it quite fluently with an American accent.
My time zone is GMT+2, Eastern Europe, Estonia (EEST time zone). I am available on most days of the week and can work for about 2–4 hours a day due to real life activities.
Generally speaking, payment is completely dependent on the project that I will be required to work for. I accept USD and Robux
PERCENTAGE IS NOT A PAYMENT METHOD. It is a bonus for a discount on the original price. Discount percentage will depend on the time period in which I get the income of the group.
Factors I will include:
Deadlines (tight or not)
Required work hours (Am I required to use all of my available hours)
Project size [Small, Big, Medium (will be determined by me)]
Workforce (Team size & their qualifications)
Project quality (Low, Medium, High)
Participation in said project (Main developer or not)
Additional duties [Do I hold a position that does not require development abilities (Example: Adviser or Head Developer)]
Special deals with Employer (Payment plans)
I may also be hired for permanent development with monthly/weekly pay.
- I can be contacted on discord by friend request: Kakushka#3898 (Most optimal)
- I can also be contacted on the Roblox Dev forum, though response might be slower
Showcase includes only images of what I have made in the past and no games. I must be contacted before I showcase my builds in 3D.
3D models
Due to me making meshes in full packs, I will provide more instances once contacted.
Thank you for reading