Avantus Training Regulations


Training Regulations

Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Hosting Regulations
III. Host Expectations
IV. Trainee Expectations
V. Punishments
VI. Conclusion


This document outlines all the regulations which gives a general order to all Avantus training events. Failure to follow these rules will result in High Council intervention.

These regulations serve to keep training events conformed to a standard. The document will cover all topics relevant to the environment of a training. In addition, this document also serves as expectations for both trainers and trainees. It is expected of trainers to abide by these regulations at all times when hosting trainings. The consequences of failing to abide by these regulations as an trainers will depend on the severity of the infringement, and will be ordered by the Avantus High Council.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Hosting Regulations▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Trainee Requirement
There must be a minimum of five trainees present before the event is official and can begin. This applies to all events.

Event Length
Training events must run for a minimum of 45 minutes, but cannot exceed more than 90 minutes. This ensures that the event can be ran properly and every second is used efficiently. Training events that do not meet the event length requirement may be abruptly halted by a member of the High Command.

Event Host (Right to Hosting)
The right to host a training event is granted to members of the High Command, non-suspended Officers and Knights in the Avantus Officer Program that are taking their Training Test Stage. The Host is in charge of planning and executing a training event efficiently.

Event Co-Host (Right to Co-Host)
The right to co-host a training event is granted to those who already have the right to host, and any Knight in the Avantus Officer Program. Anyone with the right to co-host can request for permission from the Host, but this must be done before the start of the first activity. The Co-host is in charge of assisting the Host in executing their training event efficiently. The Co-host cannot run the entire event for the host. The Host can only have one Co-Host if they so choose (it is not required to have a Co-Host).

Event Overseer
An Overseer is any member of the High Command that ensures the smooth progression of the training event. These individuals have the right to intervene if the integrity of the event is compromised to the point where the Host cannot contain or restore it.

Event Trainee
A Trainee is any person in Avantus or an allied clan attending a training event that does not meet the definition of an Overseer, Host, or Co-Host. They are typically lower ranking individuals or members of an allied clan that attend to acquire knowledge. All Trainees are subjected to standard, non-bias, training regulations set by the Host.

Event Guest
A Guest is any individual who does not meet the definition of a Host, Co-host, Overseer, or Trainee. These individuals may be removed from the server by the Host or Co-host at any time.

Administrative Priority
The Host and their Co-host, if any, are the only individuals allowed to use administrative commands or give orders to the trainees. Unless authorized by the Host, other individuals with access to administrative command may not use them, with the exception of the any command that does not directly affect the event (e.g “:time, :logs, :clogs, :plrcount).

Members of the High Command may use administrative commands only if the Host or Co-host breaks training regulation protocol, or if the integrity of the event is compromised to the point where the Host cannot contain or restore it.

Any individual who oversteps his or her boundaries and uses administrative commands without the consent of the Host will be prosecuted by the Justice Department.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Hosting Expectations▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Discipline During Events
The Host is responsible for maintaining discipline during their event.

Intervention can occur should the Host does not abide by the regulations in regards to discipline. However, this should only be permitted when the Host negatively disobeys training regulation protocol, and thus affects the quality of their training event. Intervention from a member is only be permitted if the member is a superior rank to the Host.

Rules and Punishments
The Host is responsible for the creation of their own rules, but they must comply with the Hosting Regulations listed above.

It is also the responsibility of the Host to ensure that the Trainees are fully aware of the rules and punishments for breaking said rules.

The Host should not punish a Trainee that breaks rules not clearly stated within the Host’s set rules, unless the Trainee’s actions are infringing the Trainee Expectations.

Zero Tolerance
Abuse of administrative commands and/or overstepping authoritative boundaries can result in disciplinary action from the Justice Department and or High Council depending on the severity of the infringement. There is zero tolerance for abuse as the host.

Respect to Trainees
It is a basic necessity that the Host and Co-host respect their Trainees at all times during their events.

Despite having full power over their own event, they are not permitted to disrespecting the trainees that attend their event. This can result in showing the group in a negative manner. Disciplinary action may be given should the trainer oppress their trainees.


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Trainee Expectations▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Insubordinate trainees that act inappropriately can be contacted by the Host publicly during the event, or privately. A suitable punishment may be handed out as well.

Should the Trainee repeatedly infringe the regulations, then they are subject to intervention by the High Command. Punishment may be handed out varying from a warning to a demotion.


Punishments may be given out to trainees depending on how severe their infringement is. Trainees must understand that punishments are handed out to prevent further disruption in the event.

Warnings are the most simple form of punishment and usually are handed out first. It is a direct or private statement from the Host or Co-host that clearly states what the individual has done wrong and for them to not repeat the action.

Warnings can be given out by the Host, Co-host, or a member which intervenes the event if the trainer is not complying to their expectations.

A kick is a temporary removal from the event. Should the insubordinate individual repeatedly break the rules either listed by the Host or in compliance with the Code of Conduct and any other official regulations, then they are subject to being removed from the training event. This punishment serves as a method to remind the individual that their behaviour is not welcome at the event.

A ban is a permanent removal from the event. Once the insubordinate individual repeatedly breaks rules either listed by the host or in compliance with the Code of Conduct and any other official regulations, then they can be subject to a permanent removal from the training.

Bans can also be used to immediately remove those who are severely undisciplined, exploiting, or are an individual that is not needed.

Demotion or Suspension
Demotions may be given should the individual repeatedly choose to be insubordinate, and defy any listed regulations. Demotion of an individual requires proof of repeat infringements, and can be decided by the High Council.

As listed in the Training Regulations, a trainer can be suspended or demoted for a given period of time depending on the severity of their actions. This is usually decided by the Director of Justice or the High Council.


These regulations will be enforced in order to maintain the positive environment of events, and inform those of the consequences should they attempt to violate events hosted in the group.


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