Avatar Animation and Collision Options


Keep kicking ass! :smiley:


I’ve waited for this for quite a while, thank you so much for it. I had a little bit of a problem with players bringing custom animations and I’m far too lazy to manually override animations.

Is the collision still affected by animations? If I make an animation to push the player’s arms forward and play it while facing a wall, will the player be pushed away from the wall?

Collision can be affected by animation. Animating your arms into a wall shouldn’t push you away because only the head and torso are marked for collide, but animating the head or torso into a wall will produce a counterforce.

Any way we can look into getting a capsule collider for humanoids centered on the HumanoidRootPart so we don’t have to worry about animations causing collision problems? Ideally these colliders would only affect how humanoids solve collisions for where they should be standing, when they should be pushed back, etc and not affect objects landing on their head/etc so we can maintain backwards compatibility.

If you post a poll in #developer-community-surveys you’ll find very few, if any, developers who rely on this behavior. The only thing it can result in is character flinging, which is definitely undesirable. I know @Osyris had issues with this when he was trying to animate a character looking up/down and the rotating torso flung the character off walls.


We have discovered a problem with the new collision physics not copying data across multiple instances of Studio. We’re working on a fix now. The feature has been disabled in the meantime.


Is this going to be re-enabled anytime soon? The outer box collisions makes using R15 in any form of competitive/action-based game feel unrealistic, so having inner box collisions would really help.

Back when this feature was enabled briefly, it felt perfectly like R6, though as far as I can tell it’s still disabled since I can’t find a difference between inner box and outer box collisions.

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This should be enabled now.

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