Avatar Api: Failing to use outfits/outfitid/wear

I am currently trying to work with Avatar Api.

things I have problems with:


I am not sure how exactly I should use this function inside a game.

I wanna use the outfitid wearing thing so I can literally just wear an outfit easily.

Basically spawning in plr with outfitid.

The Docs: https://avatar.roblox.com/docs#/

I also am interested in API using HTTP service.

There is a problem. You can’t use any of roblox’s API links in game. Roblox has a ton of services which basically do the exact same thing. You can make a proxy server but this is hard to do if you don’t have knowledge of JS and a basic knowledge of networking.

I mean you can use this things inside game.

But I am confused about using https://avatar.roblox.com/v1/outfits/outfitid/wear
in a game.
I mean I could just load in avatar using the outfits/details api, but that would take bit long :confused:

You can’t use roblox’s API in game using HTTP service.

Read this page for details HttpService | Roblox Creator Documentation

Is there a way to make a website that reads other website and callback it to roblox?

But yeah i am about to use : Tutorial: REST-API mit HTTP-API ohne Proxy-Integration erstellen - Amazon API Gateway

https://avatar.roblox.com/v1/outfits/{userOutfitId}/wear is used to set the authenticated user’s outfit to one of their saved outfits on the website. I’m not sure why you would want to use it in game

The reason I would like to use it in a game, is to basically make an ingame Outfit Loader.

You would probably have to do that with HumanoidDescription or something that doesn’t require a user’s cookie

That is basically impossible without breaking some TOS. There are many advanced parameters I don’t understand that roblox needs in order to know that the player is validated. If you asked for that information in game you could do a lot of damage to peoples accounts if the data gets in the wrong hands.

I found this; Avatar Outfits Loader Open-Sourced!
Using Google Apps As A api.roblox.com And www.roblox.com Proxy

That only grabs someones character. You can do that with a service. You want to be able to change your own avatar on the real roblox.

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Just use a proxy. There’s basically no other way.

But that’s exactly what I wanted to do lol.