Avatar Auto Setup [Beta Release]

Yes, I also suggest you to read this to avoid making mistakes in the future: Avatar Setup | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


ok thanks for the help i will try!

one problem now if i select the model it doesnt recognize it as a character

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Make sure that in Explorer it looks like this.


tysm it works now I am checking it out tomorrow

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When using Import 3D I don’t run into this and have a custom preset which turns those options off. Could you try that?

FYI if you want to remove the facial animation you can delete the FacialControls instance under the Head object.

I’m not sure how that would work in practice, but when EditableMesh skinned mesh support comes out I might consider making a plugin to edit UVs on preexisting meshes so that adding 2D clothing support is possible


The ideal format is the name of the character, then suffix _Geo at the end. For example if I had a lizard character it would be named Lizzard_Geo

can anyone help me lol i just have one error with textures
Schermafbeelding 2024-05-10 091051

I’m not talking about the 3d importer. avatar auto setup uploads every character it creates as a model to ROBLOX. For example:

Oh :sweat_smile: thank you for the information.

Hmm, it may be as you say, I will try this later. Plus, there is no feature to try on 2D clothing in the avatar auto setup plugin. This needs to come to make trying on 2d clothes easier.

There’s still no skinned mesh support for EditableMeshes, so you’ll need to wait until that releases :frowning:




Guys… Why is symmetry not the default, here?
Seems fairly broken to not strictly enforce symmetry in the cuts where possible.

Come on, fellas.

This was so close to being useful.
So close. Yet so far.

Think that’s one for the “Known issues” section, boys

Nobody seriously trying to develop anything should be using this method, period, unless it can consistently produce a symmetrical rig. Seriously.

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I suggested that in the Alpha period, so I think by that point stuff like that was set for stone for the original release unfortunately


Then this is beyond useless, and my developers will still have to spend hours and hours of their time manually doing all of this setup. Thanks, roblox. Missed the mark completely here.

Not one serious developer should use this without symmetry, I stand by that


What’s wrong? How does this not work?

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We should be able to have an option to upload the model in 7 part for arms upper and lower torso and head. Because ai alone doesnt get those symetrical.
PLEASE increase the maximum and minimim allowed sizes of arms and legs because even tough i usen a humanoid body with very normally proportioned limbs it still says arms are above 2 widht and this keeps happening even after decreasing model witdh . and since some time i get “Mesh is too transparent” error in the same model .
Other than these its very nice, im trying to make bundle to use personally on my own avatar

How does the Avatar setup get the bounding size? even tough I decreased the widht of the model in the studio bounding width of the arm literally increased!

Expected Behaviour : RightArm and LeftArm asset being not too transparent and RightArm Asset not being smaller than the allowed min bounding size.

This is regarding marketplace validation

Sir what do you mean? so this is the wrong place to tell this?

This is intended behavior, and is part of Marketplace validation which should only matter if you’re publishing your bundle to the marketplace. You need to inflate the interior of the limb more, to fit the validation. It’s not ideal but it’s what we have right now