Avatar editor and avatar loading currently down

Avatar loading in-game is currently not working. Attempting to load a character in any game will result in the default grey character being shown:

Alongside this, the avatar editor (both website and mobile, can’t test Xbox) is also down:

This started happening ~20 minutes ago and seems to happen across all games and devices. To reproduce this issue you just need to join any game (both R15 and R6) or try and use the avatar editor, everyone I have spoken to is experiencing this issue.


We’re having issues with this as the server is waiting for character appearances to load before spawning, leading people to be stuck on our replicatedfirst main menu, or not respawning after resetting, so this is somewhat critical for us.

Interesting of note is that Flamingo is hosting a ‘raid’ with 50k people already rallied who I’m assuming are all trying to change their avatar to the JunkBot at the exact same time.

My animations are also now failing to load:


Not just that, it takes around 10 minutes to load into the game. I think it’s caused by this…


I’ve found the only way to get in is through private server. Here is a test, it still took time but not as long:


I cannot save place data to update my game, character data is barely loading at all, datastores are down and breaking multiple games, it’s roblox wide from what I see thus far.

Dang I’m worried about the Concert which roblox is holding, hope they fix the problem asap or there’ll be problems with other players… :sweat_smile:

Can confirm. Avatar does not load in on any games and camera hovers at position 0, 0, 0 forever. Does not get past ReplicatedFirst and to test this, I checked my admin system. It didn’t even compile, meaning it can’t get past the first few lines of script in RepFirst.

Might end up getting in the way of the LNX Concert, which would be a shame since people seemed generally excited for it.

I don’t know if this is related but when i join a game i am getting stuck and the character won’t load even if i rejoined

Also happens in studio but not 100% of the time.

Hello! I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?

The issue in question no longer occurs.


Thank you! Should this issue reoccur, please create a new topic for us to look into.


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