Avatar Editor in-game, how exactly?

What I want to achieve: Making an advanced tweened catalog gui which displays everything in viewport including the character on a 3d background.

The issue: I don’t know where to start or how to do it at all.

I’ve tried: multiple tutorials on viewports and avatar editors, still didn’t get to learn it.

(Not asking for scripts or files, asking for someone who can help me with like an example of how to start)


I mean, it might be easier for you to simply have the background/set be put up somewhere off-map and move the camera to there. Viewports are good but they should be used in specific cases (IE: A 3D part of a GUI running alongside the main camera).

Tweened catalog GUI? This doesn’t make much sense what you’re asking for. It’s UI coding, which you should know if you want to do this. Other than that, not much else to say.

If you want to know where to start, I suggest making the set and camera code (to move your camera to the set and back to player when needed), then working on the code to change your character’s clothing and whatnot, then finally code the UI and the catalog.

EDIT: If this is the answer you’re looking for, remember to mark it!