Avatar equip not working

Currently anything that I try to equip is not working. It allows me to select it however it will not actually equip it. I think this has happened on the Roblox platform previously. Not sure if anyone else has recently had this issue?

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I have this happen to me all the time when I try changing my avatar, I just equip another item then unequip it then the previous item gets equipped

Try to reproduce? I think it’s shirts.

Are you trying to equip shirts?

Yes, it looks like as of now it’s not actually equipping the shirt. It allows me to select it but it won’t actually equip the shirt.

Works fine on mobile. I’m just investigating it.

I just reproduced this bug, tried it to equip a shirt but it didn’t load but it worked when I unequipped it and equipped it again

Yeah, looks like its selecting 2 shirts at one time and you have to deselect one to equip the other. Definitely a bug.

Roblox being very wonky

Do you have BTR Roblox? The Chrome Extension.

Yeah I installed it and had it for ages

Try de-instailing it and check again if that helps.

I believe the bug is caused based on a Chrome Extension called BTR Roblox, to remove this bug please remove the extension.