Avatar Import not importing attachments?

I’m planning to add attachments to weapons, for modularity, similar to the attachments found on Rthro and r15 rigs that are used to place accessories. However, avatar import does not import attachments but is able to import the bones of the rig correctly. I feel like there is an obvious solution that I’m not getting.




This is the only thread that I could find that has this same problem. I was able to previously get attachments to properly import, but after changing some stuff with the .blend file, attachments no longer import, and I’m not sure how to get them back. Were you ever able to figure it out?

For reference, I’m trying to rig a howitzer gun: image

Attachments also failed to generate when doing this for actual r15 avatars.

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I forgot this thread existed, anyways I have found a workaround. Just import your model with attachments as R15, but name one of your parts and its geo Head. Here’s a picture:

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I haven’t tried this with more than one part, but I reckon you need to name it after a body part. I just chose head cause it was the one with the least amount of letters.

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I know this is really late, but aren’t attachments (name_Att) supposed to be meshes whereas empties create the motor6Ds, or are you using motor6Ds as attachment points for your gun attachments? Also, the trick with naming a part “Head” didn’t seem to work.

Thanks for responding either way.

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I have created a proper bug report post for this: Avatar Importer plugin fails to generate attachments
You may want to mark this as the solution so people can be directed there.

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