Avatar Importer Messes up Vertex Paint on Import

I am attempting to make an avatar with the boots vertex colored a shade of brown and gray so that they are always a bit darker than the body part’s color, such as seen here:

This is how the leg meshes look when exported as FBX and imported as meshparts with the left one set to Medium Stone Grey (default import color) and the right one set to Navy Blue (a likely team color).

When attempting to use the Avatar Importer however, the vertex paint comes through messed up, as seen below.

From left to right:

  • Imported avatar with no vertex paint data.
  • Imported avatar with legs vertex painted white.
  • Imported avatar with legs vertex painted the same as the standalone legs from the previous picture.
  • Imported avatar with the upper torso vertex painted grey to check if it’s mesh-specific, which it’s not.
  • The legs from the above photo.

Note that for the fourth avatar, I only vertex painted the bottom half of the mesh that would become the UpperTorso part (stomach area), but the entire meshpart was affected.

The fact that the standalone leg meshparts I exported/imported as a test are completely fine confirms that this is not an issue with Blender, my .blend file and the mesh within, or my export configuration. In other words, something about the way the Avatar Importer handles the FBX meshes is different than the way regular FBXs are imported as meshparts.

In short, the reproduction steps:

  1. Obtain or create .blend file of an avatar that is set up to be ready to be exported to an FBX file that the Avatar Importer can read.
  2. Paint on one or more meshes with vertex paint.
  3. Export as FBX file with appropriate settings for Roblox
  4. Use Avatar Importer to import the FBX and see results.

New Player Model - Rev2.VertexPaintBugTest.fbx (187.6 KB)

Just open the Avatar Importer and select this file through the Rthro import option.


Thank you for the repro file, I will have a look. It does look to me like the bulk mesh import operation that the Avatar Importer does is associating vertex color information with the wrong vertices (out of order).