Avatar Importer Rotating Parts

I imported a custom character using the Avatar Importer, although all the parts rotate when imported.

Character in blender:


The parts didn’t use to rotate before, did they change anything with importing?

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This article goes over all the good practices of exporting & importing your own custom characters.

Based on your description, the rotation values inside Blender might be skewed, start with resetting those.

If you don’t know how:

  1. Select all of the objects (default key A).

  2. Press Ctrl + A to open the “Apply” tab.

  3. From the drop-down menu, select “Rotation”.

  4. Export accordingly.

Try that first, good luck.


This could be any number of errors.

  1. apply all rotation and scale (and pray you don’t have negative scale)
  2. set your origins to the same spot (0,0,0) where you want the root part to be.
  3. try loading as both a custom animation and an r15 animation, the latter is better at following directions.
  4. make sure you don’t name bones and mesh the same without understanding how Roblox responds to that.
  5. make sure any skinning is to the correct side. left wing skinned to the right side is a hot mess.
  6. you can use mirrors with armatures, but there are special rules and naming conventions in blender
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