Avatar items carousel buttons are absent when using Safari

On Safari, the carousel buttons do not appear under the items area. This renders it impossible to see any more than eight equipped avatar items on profiles.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open any the profile of any user with more than eight equipped avatar items equipped using Safari.
  2. Scroll down to the individual avatar items carousel.
  3. Notice how the carousel buttons are absent.

This is what it looks like:

I’m using Safari on iOS 15.

Expected behaviour
The buttons appear and you are able to change “pages”.

Actual behaviour
The buttons do not appear, so consequently, you cannot change “pages” and are therefore unable to see any more than eight equipped avatar items.

Additional information
Trying to reproduce this on Chrome (using the device simulator) yielded some interesting findings:

  • Some errors from Angular seem to be arising when simulating an iOS device
  • The individual items section does not load at all
  • This does not occur when the device simulator has been disabled

It looks like this:

I conducted testing with the simulated iPad Air option:

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.