(Images taken without any extensions enabled. Firefox 118.0.2 on latest Windows 10 Home build.)
Upon going into My Avatar and selecting Head & Body > Heads, I will only be able to scroll until a certain point, where I will be greeted with the error message and an endless loading bar. When selecting Characters > Purchase, I am only able to select 11 recently purchased characters, with no error message nor indication that it’s loading more characters that I have purchased in the past.
This was reported multiple times, with a recent bug report stating it was solved, but it has not been solved at all. Currently, the only workaround to applying older purchased dynamic heads on my avatar is to utilize AvatarEditorService in-game, and to scroll through the various Head & Body options to apply older inaccessible character limbs.
I expect to see all purchased and non-deleted dynamic heads and characters in My Avatar.
Edit: Now, Dynamic Heads will not load in Avatar at all, only displaying the ‘Warning’ error and an endless loading bar:
As @Quackback mentioned, it has to be an issue with rate-limiting and an issue with the API, as other bug reports have mentioned this more in-depth prior to mine. Scrolling down will load a bit more but stops at a certain point with the ‘warning’ error popping up.
There’s about 4 posts on this issue, including mine, and it affects all players and their avatars, so I’d hope they are investigating it closely and can give us an update by the middle of the month at the very least.