Avatar Items Revenue Analytics Display Incorrectly

This displays the amount of robux the user spent, but is inconsistent with the actual amount of robux the developer gets.

The revenue on the main analytics page for all avatar items is correct.

This issue only occurs on the individual analytics page for each avatar item.
Instead of 2,015 total revenue (31 times the price it’s being sold at, 65 robux) it should be (31 times (65 times 0.3)) since the creator receives 30% of the revenue.

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations


This created some confusion for me because I can’t earn from an item I sold for 65 Robux with 5887 sales, making 398145 Robux, because I only get 30% of it, not the full amount.

I hope the actual amount we earned is shown, as I would like to analyze each of my items individually based on this detail.

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A label showing what percentage of the “Publishing Advance” we received was even added recently, but the main issue regarding item analytics still hasn’t been fixed.

I hope a staff member fixes this because we can see that the page has been updated, but it’s frustrating that no steps have been taken to fix the analytics or that we haven’t even been updated on it.