Hey developers ! im a builder who has recently started to try at gfx . i try loading in my avatar for gfxs using plugins (load character and moon animators character inserter) but no matter what i do the avatars dont load . Please help me out id really appriciate it . here is a video of the problem prohriday's Place Number_ 7 - Roblox Studio 2021-02-28 12-37-26.mp4 - Google Drive
Hello prohriday,
I’ve tried what you’ve done and it seems to me it’s working just fine:
If you would like to manually import your character here are the steps to do so:
Test game on a baseplate
Go to the explorer and copy your Character, it should be under Workspace:
Now just stop the testing and paste it onto your baseplate:
It works just like the plugin, if you want it to be exactly like the one in the plugin then
just go ahead and delete the following:
Health & Animate scripts
I hope this has helped.
hey which plugin do you use for this is it load character ?
The exact same plugin you’ve used in the video:
i use it but i still face the problem though
First method:
Click ‘Play’ button. Find your character in Workspace. Copy it. Click ‘Stop’ button. Paste the character Model. Delete some scripts like ‘Health’ (the method that @UnitPeka mentioned.).
Second method (not very accurate, character won’t look the same):
Use my plugin: Load Character Plugin - Roblox
Ok so try the first, most reliable method:
By the way my plugin works fine (for me) on your character as well as @AlreadyPro’s one.
i dont know why everytime a load a character then leave studio and rejoin the avatar gets fixed
Maybe you have some plugins installed that change the models when they are created.