Avatar scale settings keep resetting after being set

These scales reset to default without me touching them, and when I set them back to their intended values, they reset back to default on their own. This is a big visual problem in my game as players are taller than intended when they have body type & proportions at 100 (in a basketball game where height is very important)

Expected behavior

Game settings scale shouldn’t reset on its own.


Bump! I also have this issue! No matter what I try the settings are not persistent.

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Happened to me too, didn’t know there was already a bug report.

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Сan confirm this is also happening to me.

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I can confirm this problem, too

This is also happening to us. Very irritating considering the game relies on the scale being set a specific way.

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This problem is also happening to me aswell.

This has now been resolved, thanks for the reports and please let us know if you continue to have problems!