AvatarEditorService Catalog methods [Public Release]

sort of happy???
i still cannot go away with the fact avatars won’t save with another hair when you have more than 2 hairs stacked together on avatar, it would remove the second ones which i didn’t expect it to do.


Thank you for this, I stopped making my catalog game due to the limitations prior to this.

For anyone who’s wondering why this is a major breakthrough,

previously you had to have a third party (proxy) to request Roblox for returning information.

This was often paid, making you as a developer loose both $$$ and promote instability.

It’s amazing this is free, thank you and please keep releasing these tools.


Thanks for great update! :tada:

Anyway, I noticed there’s no Enum.AvatarAssetType.All, I need this one for AvatarEditorService:GetInventory(), I had to use this one instead.

local AssetTypes = {}

for _, Enum in pairs(Enum.AvatarAssetType:GetEnumItems()) do
table.insert(AssetTypes, Enum)

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You can’t just do local AssetTypes = Enum.AvatarAssestType:GetEnumItems()?


What are the rules as far as using items player’s find on the catalog with this API, specifically UGC?

As far as I’m aware, the creator retains the right to block developers from using their items in game, unless it’s for a player’s avatar and that player owns it.

For example, I don’t believe I am allowed to take UGC accessories from the catalog and use them as models in my game (in-game currency pets, decoration, etc) without the respective creator’s permission.

If we implement a catalog that allows players to wear UG items without owning them, is this allowed?


You can only wear 3 head accessories on both places, unless this is how you intend to keep it, it would be much more better in my opinion to increase the max number as most players have more than 3 accessories on their head,

awesome work by the way, extremely helpful!


First feature request:

Please allow AvatarEditorService:PromptRenameOutfit() to accept a prefill string, the same as AvatarEditorService:NoPromptRenameOutfit() does.

Second feature request:

Allow us to silently read/write/remove some kind of meta data to outfits.

eg: I want to build a feature to allow you mark outfits as favorites, but right now you can’t do that globally.

Bugfix/Clarification Request:

What are these called? Are they outfits, characters, or costumes? Sometimes I’ve seen all three used in the same UI. Please choose one and use it consistently :frowning:


Thank you so much for this update! I have been waiting for the catalog search functionality of the service for quite a while now, and I appreciate all your effort for making this come true!

Also, is there an ETA on this?


I notice that group members can no longer give you 40% commission in the group’s games, is there plans to change that back? I’ve had to private our group that holds our catalog game but I really don’t want to remove thousands of members just to get commissions back from dedicated players.


I was wondering if it works in groups.

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GetBatchItemDetails isn’t providing FavoriteCount like it says in the Creator Documentation, for assets or bundles.

I don’t know if this was a recent change in the documentation but I noticed that there’s now a limit (Throttling) for AvatarEditorService requests.

Having said that, I was wondering if CatalogPages:AdvanceToNextPageAsync() would count as a request?

DatastorePages counts this function as 1 request for DataStoreService and I’m curious if CatalogPages behaves similarly towards AvatarEditorService.

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