PC Info: Windows 11 23H2
Date First Experienced: 12/15/2023
Date Last Experienced: 12/22/2023
Reproduction Steps:
- Open the “Roblox Studio” or “Roblox Launcher” does not matter
- Click to “Play”
- Go to the “Command Bar” or “Developer Console”
- Paste this code
game:GetService("AvatarEditorService"):PromptSetFavorite(game.PlaceId, Enum.AvatarItemType.Asset, true)
Here is a photo of that showing the issue:
Exptected Behavior: the image quality should be good
Actual Behavior: the image is look so compressed, poor quality, pixelated.
Also lemme add note. the quality of the image is so bad because. its getting game “thumbnail image”. it should be get “game icon image”. I guess?