AvatarEditorService:SearchCatalog() search returning incorrect results for "Recently Updated" Sort Type

Reproduction Steps

Repro: // must be in a place with AvatarEditorService fully enabled

CSP = CatalogSearchParams.new()
CSP.SortType = Enum.CatalogSortType.RecentlyUpdated
CSP.AssetTypes = {Enum.AvatarAssetType.HairAccessory}

local SearchResults = game:GetService('AvatarEditorService'):SearchCatalog(CSP):GetCurrentPage()

Expected Behavior

Recently Updated hair accessories should be returned as the search result. At the time of writing this post, these are the recently updated hair accessories from the Roblox website Avatar Shop:

Actual Behavior

These are the search results returned:

These search results appear to be the same as the “Relevance” sort. Below is a picture of the current Relevance sort from the Roblox website - you can see that the corresponding items outlined in the output above appear in the image below too.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly

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Thanks for your report, this is because the RecentlyUpdated sort was removed and replaced with a RecentlyCreated sort, but we forgot to update this here. We will likely add a new Enum.CatalogSortType.RecentlyCreated and deprecate RecentlyUpdated, making it map to RecentlyCreated.


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Just following up to confirm that this has been fixed - RecentlyUpdated now maps to RecentlyCreated which is the sort type that has been added to replace it. Thanks again for your report.

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