Average advertisement CTR?

Hello, I was wondering what the average CTR that an ad should get is. The best performing ad that I’ve ever had performed at 8.57% CTR. Is this average, or could it be something special?


Is this for banner ads or for sponsored ads? Cause 8.57% is legit pretty high. For Banner ads I always thought getting anywhere around 2% is considered pretty solid.

That’s a visual bug, I have had that exact number before. It was 0.75% for the first few hours then spiked to that and never came down. Most people get 0.5%-1.5% CTR, so 8.5% would be impossible for the most part. (Most Google ads get 0.5% CTR, so anything above that is, I’d say, pretty good.)

I don’t think it is a visual bug, as the amount of clicks that I had, when compared to how many impressions I got, resulted is me getting 8.57.

Edit: It isn’t a visual bug. I’ve run the ad multiple times and it says that, in total, I have a 7.70% CTR.

It was for a skyscraper ad, not a banner or sponsor ad.

i’ve once had an ad perform at 11.73% CTR

but it was highly controversial and got taken down within hours with a 3 day ban for me lol.

So no, it’s probably not a visual bug like @Ty_Scripts said. (Even flamingo made a video about the ad, so thats impressive given its small bid (20K) and short run.)

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What did the advertisement look like?

11.73% is near impossible. I can guarantee you it was this visual bug:

That happend across 2 ads though.

Flamingo pressed on it during its 2 hour ad run.

I can guarantee it wasnt, lol

wont describe that as it was controversial and I dont want it to my name, sorry.

Alright, I respect that. Have a nice day.

Yah, I would run some more tests on a separate ad and just mark this one as an outlier. Very likely a bug. I’ve had an ad showing a ridic high CTR. image I think if you’re hitting 2% you’re already overachieving. If you’re hitting around 0.8% - 1% that’s considered pretty dang high.


that is very high anything above 2% is high
most of the ads I run get like 0.7-1.2% some higher some lower

so if 8.57% CTR isn’t a visual bug man good job