Average Server Ping Times?

Just out of curiosity, what are your games’ average server ping times? I just wanna see where my game stacks up against others to see if I’m doing something wrong on my end. So far, I’m see around 250ms~ of server ping time for my game with a a full server and all the systems are active. What about yours? :thinking:


How would you be able to check that? My servers usually have 20-30 people on.

I’d say that two tests need to take place: the connection from the client to the server and the connection from the server to the client. To run a test the server/client can agree upon a time to send a message (a couple seconds in advance) and then measure the difference between the time agreed upon to send the message and the time the message was actually received. This would need to be repeated a decent amount to get a accurate estimation of the average latency. This also depends on the server and client having the correct time relative to each other. I’d test using time(), tick(), and os.time() to see which is generally the most in sync between the server and client (unless someone here knows which is best). Unfortunately wait() isn’t the most accurate if you just wait until the time to send the message (it depends on the game loop), so I’d also send an offset in milliseconds from the time the message was supposed to be sent to the time it was actually sent. You can use the return values of wait() to determine how late your script’s execution is.

Latency… a nasty issue!

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You press F9, and then go to Server Stats. Under Avg Ping would be the server’s ping. You can only see that as the owner of the place, which is why I’m trying to see what other people’s games usually look like.



Around 50-70 is mine.