Here at Avidity Gymnastics, we believe that forming alliances is key to ensure the success of our group and other groups. You may send your application to an Executive Assistant+, if your group meets the requirements stated below.
- Group must have at least 50 members.
- Cannot be bottled, or under corrupt leadership.
- Must show signs of steady growth.
- Active members are a must.
- Willing to attend and shout events related to Avidity Gymnastics.
- Cannot sell MR/HR ranks.
[1] What group are you requesting an alliance for? Please provide a link to the group.
[2] How many members does your group have at the moment?
[3] If we were to accept this application, which representatives would we be able to contact?
[4] Why would you like to form an alliance with Avidity Gymnastics?
[5] How would Avidity Gymnastics benefit from forming an alliance with your group?
[6] How would your group benefit from forming an alliance with us?
[7] Please note that if you break any of Avidity’s rules, we have the right to terminate this alliance. Do you understand?
We appreciate you for showing interest in forming an alliance with us! You’ll receive a response in the next 48 hours regarding your application. We wish you the best of luck.