Avien | Public Handbook

:pizza: Welcome to Avien!

:blue_book: About Us:
Avien is one of the most eloquent places to dine out there, serving everything you’d like to see within a place. We proudly produce quality meals to meet your satisfaction. While doing so, staff always desire customer satisfaction, and will gladly do anything to please our patrons.

We strive to create an unforgettable experience with the assistance of our development team and ownership team. Continue to accomplish what our past generations have created with partnerships and influencers sharing our passion and commitment toward an endless future.

:clock1: Founded in 2017, Renewed in 2024.

:paperclips: Our Links

:pushpin: Information

Code of Conduct

Avien's Staff Team has developed a set of regulations in addition to the mandatory Roblox Terms of Service Guidelines:

  • Purposeful spamming is not tolerated.
  • Yelling at people is not tolerated. The ONLY exceptions are when yelling in excitement (Management is allowed to decide if this is being abused) or abbreviations.
  • Disrepect, harassment, discrimination, or any form of hatred against one is not tolerated.
  • Clothing must be appropriate and cannot suggest inappropriate meaning. If it is tagged as inappropriate, you will be asked ONCE by a Staff Member, getting 2 minutes to change it. If refused, you will be removed from our server.
  • Any form of inappropriate bypassing or in general any inappropriate usernames or chat will be grounds for immediate removal from the server.
  • Any form of advertising will result in immediate removal from the server.
  • Followed with harassment, any form of the annoyance of a member of Staff, Community, Guest, etc. is a bannable offense.
  • Clothing must be appropriate and cannot suggest inappropriate meaning. If it is tagged as inappropriate, you will be asked ONCE by a Staff Member, getting 2 minutes to change it. If refused, you will be removed from our server.
  • USE COMMON SENSE! If you think something may feel wrong, it probably is wrong. Administrators, Moderators, etc. can invoke their powers if they believe you are violating rules, or moralities even if they aren't mentioned in the Code of Conduct.
  • The Staff Team has the right to remove you if you bypass our regulatory warnings with an alternative account.
  • Clothing must be appropriate and cannot suggest inappropriate meaning. If it is tagged as inappropriate, you will be asked ONCE by a Staff Member, getting 2 minutes to change it. If refused, you will be removed from our server.
  • The maximum amount of items you're allowed to order is 3. Any more is considered trolling after a reminder by a member of Staff.

Disruptive customers and guests will only receive ONE REMINDER before being removed from the server. If one continues to pursue disruptive interests, a more permanent consequence will be given.

Rank Information

Listed below are every rank that is utilized in the Avien Group:


These are people who are visiting the parlor and have not joined the group.

Valued Customer

These are valuable members who allow our operations to continue and they contribute their activity to our group.

Wealthy Customer

These are members of our community that have made significant contributions to the corporation in the means of assets, financial gain, or other monetary aspect.

Honored Customer

These are former members of our community who have served in groundbreaking roles and contributed to numerous operations for Avien.

Trainee Server

This is the first rank in the Staff Team. These people have successfully passed the application center. They are unable to work until they attend a training session.

Beginner Server

This is the first workable rank in the Staff Team. These people can still attend training sessions to develop their pizza experience further.

Intermediate Server

This is the second workable rank in the Staff Team. These people can still attend training sessions to develop their pizza experience further.

Experienced Server

This is the third workable rank in the Staff Team. These members have fully accomplished their ability to attend sessions and are now able to be recommended by a Management member.

Intern – !!

This is the first rank of the Junior Management Team.

Senior Intern - !!

This is the second rank of the Junior Management Team.

Helper – !!

This is the first rank of the Management Team.

Supervisor – !!

This is the third rank in the Management Team. These managers now gain the ability to host training sessions, receive higher administrative abilities, and are vital to higher moderation calls.

Assistant Manager – !!

This is the highest rank in the Management Team. They have shown their mastery in comprehending the ability of Management Personnel, consistently monitoring the group games, attending sessions, etc. They serve as the connection between the MR team and the HR team.

Management Team – !!

This is the first rank in the Executive Team. Their job entails of doing the majority of department tasks while also handling the reports requested by the Community.

General Management – !!

This is the senior rank in the Executive Team. They serve as mentors to the Management and Executive Assistants. Likewise, handle heavier, higher priority tasks due to their seniority and experience in the team.

Executive Director – !!

This is the chief of the Executive Team. They serve as a bond between the Ownership Team and the Executive Team. They coordinate operations and direct their department.

Employment Coordinator

This is a Chief Rank of the Employment Department; they are tasked to ensure that all operations within their department are going efficiently and correctly. Major decisions and ones that affect the entire department or corporation are presided by them.

Relations Coordinator

This is a Chief Rank of the Relations Department; they are tasked to ensure that all operations within their department are going efficiently and correctly. Major decisions and ones that affect the entire department or corporation are presided by them.

Operations Coordinator

This is a Chief Rank of the Operations Department; they are tasked to ensure that all operations within their department are going efficiently and correctly. Major decisions and ones that affect the entire department or corporation are presided by them.


This is the first role of the development team. They are tasked to specific developmental sections of the corporations and to assist the modernization of the industry.

Lead Developer

This is the second and highest role of the development team. They are tasked to ensure that all developmental related operations are handled and to make calls in terms of what the direction of builds shall go.

Vice President

This is the first rank of the Ownership Team. The Vice President’s role is to oversee their former Directed department and ensure operations are smoothly correlated.


This is the middle rank of the Ownership Team. The President’s role is to oversee all operations of the Group. They oversee all departments that exist and meet with the Vice President and Directors consistently to make sure that no hiccups exist.


This is one of the owners of Avien, they run as the chief representative and overseer of the group; spectating and presiding over the major decisions the corporation has to make.


This is one of the owners of Avien, they run as the chief representative and overseer of the group; spectating and presiding over the major decisions the corporation has to make.

Alliance Information

We're glad you are interested in partnering with Avien for the present and future. The Public Relations Department has curated a list of requirements and questions required to form a formal Alliance Request:

  • Must have at least 5,000 members in Roblox group, 250 Discord members.
  • Must have an active community and active daily game count.
  • Must have a respectable community with low community scandals.
  • Willing to announce and attend events hosted by Avien.
  • Willing to have constant and open communication with Avien Public Relations Department Members.

If these requirements are met, please answer these questions in a document and send it to a member of the Public Relations Department:

  • What is the name of the group you are requesting an alliance for?

  • What would you provide for Avien through this alliance?

  • What are you looking to gain through being in an alliance with Avien?

  • How many members are currently in your group?

  • List your Public Relations representatives with whom we would coordinate our communications.

  • Please link your Roblox group and your communications server below.

We thank you for your support and for visiting our resources.

:memo: This resource was developed and approved by the Avien Leadership Department under the advisement of downsoarings, bagciscool, and emmt4x.