Aviesa Rank Information

Customer: (UNLIMITED)
Customers are members of our group that have been approved. Players that have obtained the customer role can apply for Trainee.

Noted Customer: (UNLIMITED)
Noted Customers are players that have contributed to Aviesa in a significant way. These players should be treated like customers, but with high respect. (High Ranks+ who resign typically receive this rank).

Business Partner: (UNLIMITED)
Business Partners are players that represent one or more of Aviesa’s affiliations. These players should be treated respectfully like any other.

Trainee: (UNLIMITED)
Trainees are new employees that have passed their application. It is recommended that they attend training sessions as it will be beneficial for them.

Junior Barista: (UNLIMITED)
Junior Baristas are employees who have passed a training session as a Trainee. Junior Baristas are expected to be more skilled and knowledgeable than any rank that is Trainee or below.

Barista: (UNLIMITED)
Baristas are employees who have passed a training session as a Junior Barista. Baristas are expected to be more skilled and knowledgeable than any rank that is Junior Barista or below.

Senior Barista: (UNLIMITED)
Senior Barista are employees who have passed a training session as a Barista. Senior Baristas are expected to be much more skilled than any rank that is Barista or below.

Staff Assistant: (45)
Staff Assistants are new members of the MR team of Aviesa. They are responsible for assisting in trainings, supervising at the juice bar. They are also expected to help any customers or baristas.

Supervisor: (30)
Supervisor are members that have been promoted from Staff Assistant, these members are able to host shifts down at our Juice Bar as well as host training sessions! They are responsible for supervising at the juice bar. They are also expected to help any customers or baristas.

Manager: (15)
Manager are newly promoted Supervisor’s. They have all the responsibilities of the MR ranks and are now to help any Middle Ranks and Low Ranks. They also have the ability to demote Low Ranks (Senior Barista-Trainee) for any rule violations, such as trolling and more! They are responsible for supervising at the juice bar. They are also expected to help any customers or baristas.

Coordinator: (7)
Coordinator’s are HRs-in-training. They have all the responsibilities of the MR ranks and are now able to help any High Ranks with HR duties. They also have the ability to recommend/promote Senior Barista for a possible promotion to Staff Assistant!

Chief Relations Officer: (3)
Chief Relations Officers are responsible for overseeing Aviesa’s affiliate and handling some HR duties. They can lift group blacklist appeals, accept alliance applications, host events and lots more.

Chief Staff Officer: (5)
Chief Staff Officers are responsible for overseeing the MR team and handling HR duties. They can also promote and demote MRs, lift appeals, and lots more.

Chief Operating Officer: (5)
Chief Operations Officers are also responsible for overseeing the MR team and handling HR duties. They also promote and demote MRs, lift appeals, and lots more.

Chief Executive Officer: (3)
Chief Executive Officers are considered Senior Ranks. They oversee the HR team and contribute to LT duties. CEO and above have the ability to promote and demote HRs, and lots more.

Developer: (N/A)
Developers are responsible for creating and making sure Aviesa’s facilities are up-to-date.

Vice President: (1)
The Vice President is responsible in aiding the President with daily operations and overseeing the company. They also have all of the abilities the other ranks have.

President: (1)
The President is responsible for assisting the Chairpersin with overseeing and managing the company and its daily operations.

Chairperson: (1)
This role belongs to the group owner. The President is responsible for overseeing and managing the company and its daily operations.