Avoid car slide

hi everyone, the thing is that i want to achieve a car that doesnt slide on whatever the ground is, like it doesnt get affected by inerthia.
i think i should use bodyposition and script with these bodymovers but i dont know how and where to start

this is what i dont want it to happen:

this what i want to achieve:

i am using bodygyro to rotate the car according to the ground below
and using bodyagnularvelocity for car steering

Any help is apreciated! :slight_smile:

Add a large downforce to your velocity.

Is the vehicle using some sort of hinge to spin the wheels, if so all you would have to do is change the hinge type when no input is pressed to achieve the instant stop and no rolling.

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no the wheels dont use hinges to spin? any other ideas?

What does your car use?

uses bodythurst and stuff and wheel rotation is scripted

but how? and with which force or boymover?