Hi there! I’m working on a box carrying system, and in this system I define a “Weight Limit” that is 4 . The value addition is counted by a NumberValue and controlled by a BoolValue, so my script start with something like this: if Character.PlayerInfo.WeightCarrying.MaxWeight.Value == false then
This work well with small numbers addition like +1
But this can be easily bypassed by making something like this: +1, +2. The value currently is = 3, so it accept more additions, but the player can pick up a big box that has a value of 4 and then this woudl make the total value = 7
I’m not sure whether I understood the problem correctly, but from what I think I understand, I would make a value called totalCarry which will be a value that adds all the weight together. Everytime a weight is added, it will be added to the totalCarry variable. Then I’d simply check every time whether it would be greater than 4 or not. I’m just scratching the surface since you’d probably need to check like this sometimes
local totalCarry = 0
if urObjectWeight + totalCarry > 4 then
warn("Too much weight")
-- do whatever u want to do here, the weight is good.
print("Added weight")
totalCarry += urObjectWeight
Just an example, I hope this helps you understand a little bit.
There is mutliple issues with this:
1, The .Changed event returns a property, not the porperties value, So weightValue is in this case is Value not the the actual number, consider using :GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value") instead, Or make Weight = Script.Parent.Value.
also consider changing the if statment:
if Weight == 4 then
to if Weight >= 4 then
It shouldn’t matter, becuase it should never be more than 4, but you never know.
The code that @Dev_Simphony provieded is not the same as your if statment : if Character.PlayerInfo.WeightCarrying.MaxWeight.Value == false then
, You code is only cheking if you are at max capasity or not, His code looks if the new value would be bigger than 4.
function TryAddObject(objectWeight) --objectWeight is the weight of the objetc you try to pick up
local currentCarry = script.Parent.Value ---The current amout being caried, in your case i belive it would be script.Parent.Value?, This depends on where the script is located
if objectWeight+ currentCarry> 4 then
warn("Too much weight") --The amout would exeed 4, so we don't add the object
print("Added weight")
script.Parent.Value += objectWeight --Update the value holding you current Weight. again depending on where the script is located,
--Here you can do what you want to do when you add the object, Maybe destory the 3d model?