Award badges across places in a Universe

I have seen that if you make a badge on the start-place it can only be given there, but Data Store and DevProds works across the places, so then I think why is this not for badge too?

Like is you make a public server and solo server that both is in same Universe it could use the same badges, instead of having to save and go to main-place to get the badges.

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I believe something was said a month or two ago, that you should just upload the badges to the places you are rewarding them.

However, I hope you are able to upload badges across a Universes soon.

Well I don’t want players in my games to get two or more equal badges because they goes to two or more servers in a Universe

The only thing you can do currently is put all badges in the main place, and save
to DataStore whenever someone earned one, and give it to him when he joins the main place.

[quote] The only thing you can do currently is put all badges in the main place, and save
to DataStore whenever someone earned one, and give it to him when he joins the main place. [/quote]

That is what I currently do, however not all understand they have to go back to main-place to get the badges so they just leave after finishing without getting any badges.

You have to look at it in a positive way:
If they don’t like your game enough to go rejoin once, then they shouldn’t get badges at all :stuck_out_tongue:

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When can we expect this? John said he would look into it.

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You can now award badges in any place as long as they’re part of the same game: Badges now awardable from any place in a game!


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