Awarding a single badge if a player owns specific badges

How would I check if a user owns certain badges then reward a badge if they do? I am stuck on only owning a single asset then rewarding the badge.

Hello, @Crimsonisms .

You can check if any given user owns a specific badge using BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync() (the link is to the documentation which provides relevant information and a snippet to get you started on how it works).
Once stated that, you can iterate through each of the required badges and check whether a player owns them all (without exceeding its rate limitations exposed on its documentation entry): If so, then you would run BadgeService:AwardBadge() to award that badge to the player.

There are multiple approaches to checking various conditions; For this case, and considering the snippet the documentation provides, you may check if the user owns multiple badges by doing something like this:

local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")

local requiredBadges = {000000, 000000} -- their IDs in that format.

local function checkBadgeOwnership(userId, badgeId)
  local success, result =  pcall(BadgeService.UserHasBadgeAsync, BadgeService, userId, badgeId)
  if success then
    return result
    warn("Error retrieving badge.")

local function checkIfUserOwnsBadges(userId)
  for _, badgeId in ipairs(requiredBadges) do
    if not checkBadgeOwnership(userId, badgeId) then return false end
  -- If reached this point, then means none of the badges were missing, therefore...
  return true

There’s the small possibility I made a typo since I wrote that code directly into here.

Hope this helps.