Awesome Image AI for Free/Microsoft Designer

Great for Thumbnails, Game icons and really just anything to do with images.
Hopefully posted to the right place seemed right. Link Below

Microsoft Designer


I really don’t believe in using AI to create thumbnails. First off, it takes away from actual thumbnail and game icon artists. Second, nobody really wants a bunch of AI generated garbage on the front page. Most people already have a bunch of low effort cash grab games, and this is not helping. If anyone is thinking of using an AI to generate the thumbnail, I would recommend you re-think that thought and hire an actual designer.


I’ve thought about it and I’ve decided to still use it.

op if you could teach us how to generate roblox related content that would be great and you can list this as tutorial or resource

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So you’ve just decided to contribute to the giant pile of steaming garbage that is the front page? Why? Why not just hire a real designer? Or at the very least make a thumbnail yourself. Anything is better than dumb AI generated content.

AI should be used for ideas and inspiration, not creating your entire game/game artwork.

Edit: I don’t mean avoid AI entirely, I just mean that it’s not optimal for game thumbnails.


if the front page is filled with garbage, wouldnt i hop on the trend. it seems to be working for the roblox algorithm. now why would a player judge a game by it’s cover not the game itself if in the end all this is, is an picture that make people click on. i would just find a random picture on google and use it as my icon but i would want to avoid a copyright strike.

neither do i have funds nor do i have the skills in artistic category. this bot will greatly speed up development


If you ask me, AI generated Roblox icons are lifeless. They don’t have the type of energy which makes a game pop.


This is the exact mindset every single game on the front page has: “how can I make the most money?”

First off, most of the games with a lifeless AI generated thumbnail, ARE lifeless cash grabs. Like @babyarmaangamer said, “AI generated icons are lifeless.” Players appreciate when there was actual effort or at least some attempt at effort put into a thumbnail.


Designer doesn’t allow commercial use + AI Thumbnails Trash

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In a world where a player gets a few seconds to quickly decide what to play, you need an eye catching thumbnail. Just like in all other websites, a thumbnail which stands out and displays your game in a creative and original way will succeed.

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agree with the others here, every time i see an ai generated thumbnail i stay away from it lol

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Exactly my point, if the ai generated picture game is popular, how is it getting the other players to play the ai generated game and not your game. because they see this as eye catching

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then why are there still people playing it
if they hated it maybe the content should be ignored yet it still remains in the website. sorry it’s real life and people needs to make their bags.

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Hey where does it say it’s not for commercial use

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I’ve read about it somewhere when looking a bit into it, i forgot where though

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Thank you for the heads up found :
(b) You agree that your use of Designer is for personal use only and not for
use in the course of trade or commerce.


I do graphic design professionally, and having AI that can create individual objects that can later be added to thumbnails or scenes, in general, is very nice. However, I do agree that one should never solely rely on AI. The main benefit of the AI that I enjoyed was the easy creation of GUI menus, etc., for my games and pop-ups like +1 gems, etc. I think to avoid it entirely is a tad ignorant and a waste of money and time. I will also include, if you’re not selling your thumbnail, then ‘designer’ should be fine.


Hmm, yes, you have a point too, be merciful to the makers of thumbnail designers and game icons on Roblox, let’s give them respect too

Hmm yes this is what I get for roblox AI IMAGE GENERATOR


Advertising is commercial use. Copyright restrictions still apply to thumbnail generation and asset creation.

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No thank you. I actually like making stuff.