Awesome Roblox: A curated list of Roblox code and resources

You should add smartbone to this list.

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Hey thanks so much for the mention for DeterminantAI - chatGPT NPCs! Greatly appreciated!

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I think you meant to reply to the post itself instead of me lol.

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Hey! Thanks for linking my article, glad it could come in use for some people. I hope new developers really learn what I wrote in there!


I’m going to make a GitHub. That should actually allow contributions.

If anyone knows of a way that can get rid of the issue of manually updating the DevForum and GitHub pages together, I would be glad to know. (such as by somehow embedding the into this page.

Edit: never mind. It’s way easier to work with the GitHub page alone.

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Sorry for the bump, but I came here because I randomly found the repository in my github account which isn’t a fork. It seemed like @WinnersTakesAll did the PR’s on my one, or maybe it’s that I did the repo before OP did. but when I saw the “PhoenixCausesOof” github username I instantly knew it was the OP.

anyways I gotta go make a pull request as some stuff are slightly outdated


I forked the wrong repository. Oops, I’ll go and merge to the repository now. Thanks for letting me know.

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