-- (This isnt fake btw)
local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
local connection
connection = ContentProvider:GetAssetFetchStatusChangedSignal("rbxasset://awp"):Connect(function(arg1)
if arg1 == Enum.AssetFetchStatus.Success then
print("Detected AWP")
elseif arg1 == Enum.AssetFetchStatus.Failure or arg1 == Enum.AssetFetchStatus.TimedOut then
This has already been reported to AWP Developers, so it will probably be patched very soon
This has been a known AWP detection for about 2 months now, AWP likely won’t patch it soon due to how it’s a required folder for their assets so its safe to use in games.
AWP’s very unsafe in general, I found a vuln for it on accident using debug.profilebegin to put hundreds of 200-500MB files on an AWP users pc but you could probably get fined for doing that to them.