Axes Update Log!

Hello Everyone! This thread will be served as the update log (and DevLog) of Axes!
Axes Release Date - August 10, 2020

Game Link

DevLog #4

Axes will be delayed for a few months due to alot of lag and glitches with the spawning + killing.

Update and DevLog archives:

Devlog #3
  • Successfully finished the winning part!

  • Cleaning up some bugs, and then AXES is ready to go!

Devlog #2
  • Working on the Winning part of the game

  • Fixing the problem where the round wont restart after another round

DevLog #1
  • I have fixed a bug where you go through all parts

  • I am currently working on the “Winning” part of the game

  • The time goes down by the amount of players in the game. Will fix that next update.

  • You can now eliminate people by one swing of the axe!

  • Animations are a bit buggy

  • Swinging animations - I am working on that, right after I finish the winning part