Hello Everyone! This thread will be served as the update log (and DevLog) of Axes!
Axes Release Date - August 10, 2020
Game Link
DevLog #4
Axes will be delayed for a few months due to alot of lag and glitches with the spawning + killing.
Update and DevLog archives:
Devlog #3
Successfully finished the winning part!
Cleaning up some bugs, and then AXES is ready to go!
Devlog #2
Working on the Winning part of the game
Fixing the problem where the round wont restart after another round
DevLog #1
I have fixed a bug where you go through all parts
I am currently working on the “Winning” part of the game
The time goes down by the amount of players in the game. Will fix that next update.
You can now eliminate people by one swing of the axe!
Animations are a bit buggy
Swinging animations - I am working on that, right after I finish the winning part