Béstro | 2021 Handbook


About Us

“Fresh, luxurious, Béstro.”

Béstro is one of the most prestigious Juice Bars on ROBLOX. Here at Béstro, we take precision in our staff, drinks, and overall atmosphere of our location. So take a trip out to a modern quaint Juice Bar located in Waikiki, Hawaii. While you’re here, enjoy the experience of a lifetime.




Code of Conduct


As a member of the Béstro community, we ask that you remain respectful to everyone at all times, no matter who they are. You can do this by being inviting, being positive, and aware of everything at all times. On the odd chance that a conflict arises between you and another user, please handle the conflict with maturity, and refrain from beginning drama of any sort. Regardless of what the case is, please be considerate when interacting with anyone. Hostile jokes will not be permitted, and you will receive a consequence.


Attire at Béstro is very important to the professionalism and maturity Béstro reflects on the Roblox platform. No inappropriate messages, images of any kind will not be allowed at any Béstro establishment. Shirts and pants are required at ALL times at all Béstro establishments. If you do not meet any of those requirements, the offender will be faced with serious consequences.


All members of the Béstro community are expected to be respectful to everyone. We do not tolerate screaming, vulgar jokes, disrespecting others, trolling, exploiting, and starting drama. We encourage you not to take part in any drama, or create any drama towards our employees, customers, and other groups, especially affiliates. Consequences will be distributed to the accused wrong-doers, no matter if it’s at any Béstro games, and Béstro Discord.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a Beginner?

In order to become a Beginner here at Béstro, you must apply at our Application Center.

How do I work behind the counter?

In order to work behind the counter, you must be at least the rank of Juicer/Cashier. Trainees can become a Juicer/Cashier by attending a training session hosted daily at the Training Center .

How do I progress through the lower ranks?

To progress through the lower ranks here at Béstro, you must first pass an application to become a Beginner. Once you are a Beginner, you must attend a training session to become a Cashier or Juicer. After, you must gain points at the juice bar to rank up until Senior. 50 points will get you Experienced Cashier and 40 points will give you Experienced Juicer. 100 points will get your Senior Cashier and 80 points will get you Senior Juicer. Finally, if you’re a Senior Cashier, you must obtain 150 points but if you’re a Senior Juicer you must obtain 120 points and train for Professional. Points can be earned by serving customers.

How do I become a Management Intern?

In order to become a Management Intern, you must apply for the position. For more information, check out our Promotion Guide in our Staff Information section.

How do I get unbanned?

If you were server-banned from a Béstro game, you will later be able to join once another server gets formed. Otherwise if you were permanently banned from a Béstro game or banned from our Discord server, you may be able to get unbanned by following the instructions in the Ban Appeal Guide. The process of appealing your ban may take up to 7 days to receive results, please wait patiently as our faculty choose the best choice.

I don’t know how to make any drinks. How do I make drinks in the kitchen?

All the information on how to make our specialty juices and sodas are in our Recipe Guide in our Staff Information section. In this informative segment, it will list how to make the drinks as well as understanding our restocking system.

How do I verify my account in the communications server?

All questions may be answered in the #instructions channel. You may socialize in the server after this occasion.

Training Schedule

Monday - Thursday:

  • 12 PM EST
  • 3 PM EST
  • 5 PM EST
  • 7 PM EST

Friday - Sunday:

  • 1 PM EST
  • 4 PM EST
  • 6 PM EST
  • 9 PM EST
    Join the Training Center at one of the listed times to be trained for Cashier/Juicer or Professional.
Ban & Restriction Appeal Guide
Restriction Appeal Guide


The two consequences listed in our beginning phrase are consequences which you may encounter here at Béstro. Blacklisting occurs when an individual is disrespectful, impolite or discourteous. When you are restricted, you are not able to work as a member of our lower rank workforce or our management team. However, Staff Assistant restriction happens whenever a Juice Attendant is being undisciplined, hinting, or being rude to others. Once you are Staff Assistant restricted, you are no longer able to join our middle rank workforce unless you appeal. If you are currently blacklisted/Staff Assistant restricted from our company, you may send you appeal to Promotion staff member through Discord. Once you have sent your appeal, please wait up to one week for the Promotion staff members to approve or decline your appeal.


[1] Please list your username; include all past usernames.

[2] Please list your Discord username and tag.

[3] Why do you want to be unrestricted?

[4] If you are unrestricted, what will you do to benefit us?

[5] Have you learned from your previous mistakes that caused this situation?

Please send this to a member of the Human Resources Department.

Ban Appeal Guide


Please ensure that all answers are detailed, on-topic, and beneficial to the point you are attempting to convey. If you are banned from the Béstro Discord and Béstro games, you must apply separately to appeal each ban. Furthermore, we require all users to wait at least one week before they are eligible to appeal their ban. If you send a ban appeal before your ban has been effective for one week, it will automatically be declined. Once you have answered all the application questions and made sure you meet all of the requirements, you may send the ban appeal to a member of the Executive Team over Discord. Ban appeals take at most one week to be reviewed.


[1] Please list your username; include all past usernames.

[2] Please list your Discord username and tag.

[3] Which type of ban are you attempting to appeal (Discord or Roblox)?

[4] When were you banned (MM/DD/YY)?

[5] Why were you banned?

[6] Why do you want to be unbanned?

[7] Why should we unban you? How will we know we won’t have to ban you again?

Please send this to a member of the Presidential Team.


Staff Code of Conduct


As a member of the Béstro workforce, we demand that you use proper English grammar at all times. This includes the juice bar, Interview Center, Training Center, Event Center, and the Discord server; low ranking employees are not required to use grammar in the Discord server. To show our professionalism we strive to perfect here at Béstro, please correct any grammatical errors you have made as quickly as possible. Not only that correcting your grammatical errors shows your work ethic, but it helps others understand the message you are attempting to convey.

Employee Relationships

Béstro strictly prohibits online relationships between our employees. Online relationships within two employees here at Béstro can diminish the work ethic of the Béstro workforce. We expect all our employees to engage in a community without any distractions as we promise to provide the best possible experience to our customers. If we receive any reports about any two employees engaging in an online relationship and if the proper proof is given, severe consequences will be taken.


Leaking any messages from any channel not visible to the person on the other side of the leakage is strictly prohibited and not tolerated. This rule is never taken lightly, and once a report comes in about leaking, the Consequences Assistant, Lead of Consequences, and the Executive Team will investigate who the leaker is. Advertising other organizations using our Discord server is strictly prohibited unless given permission from a member of the Executive Team. Without any permission from a member of the Executive Team, you will receive consequences. Respect is crucial in the Discord server, hence why Staff Assistants and above are expected to respect everyone. The offender will receive consequences depending on the severity.


We do understand the thrill of getting promoted to a higher rank after your dedication and hard work, although asking for a promotion will not be permitted and will result in disciplinary actions. Adding on to the employee relationships section, using online relationships with higher ranks to get promoted is not permitted one bit; actions will be taken for engaging in an employee relationship and hinting promotions. Producing false documents or statements about your “promotion” will be found false, and actions will be taken.

Recipe Guide

Juice Recipe
Cup + Ice + Water + Juice Flavour + Sweetener + Blender

Soda Recipe
Cup + Ice + Water + Carbonation Machine + Soda Flavour + Sweetener

Mango, Kiwi, Peach, Lemon, Lime, Apple, Raspberry, Banana, Orange, Blueberry, Strawberry

Promotion Guide

Beginner is obtained by passing an application at our Application Center .

Cashier & Juicer is obtained by attending and passing a training at our Training Center . Training times can be viewed in our Training Schedule section.

Experienced Cashier & Juicer is obtained by having 50 points for Cashiers and gaining 40 points for Juicers. You can gain points or buy points.

Senior Cashier & Juicer is obtained by having 100 points for Cashiers and gaining 80 points for Juicers. You can gain points or buy points.

Professional is obtained by having 150 points for Cashiers and gaining 120 points for Juicers. Then attending a training.

Management Inter is obtained by passing our Management Intern application. The applications are always opened on the 1st of every month, and are available to customers and low rank staff. There are several requirements you must meet to be eligible. They are listed below. Please keep in mind that the Human Resources Department will review your application within 72 hours of yours being submitted.

[1] You must have SafeChat disabled due to communication issues in-game.
[2] You must be in our communications server.
[3] You cannot have a bad reputation/history with us, and other staff members.
[4] Your account must be at least 14 days old.


Alliance Requirements

If you wish to form an affiliation with Béstro, you must meet the requirements listed below. Failure to meet any of the expectations listed will most likely result in your application being automatically declined. However, if we see potential in your group and you don’t meet requirements, you might receive an exception. If you end up looking through all of the information regarding the affiliate information and still don’t find your concern, you may direct yourself to a member of the Communications Department.

[1] Your group must have about 500 non-botted group members.

[2] Your group’s communications server must be active, and your main game (if released) must have a decent amount of concurrent players at several times a day.

[3] You must have a respectable of middle ranking staff members that are also professional.

[4] The group in question must be a business roleplay game or graphics corporation; military, fan groups, and any other group that isn’t in a business industry aren’t permitted.

[5] Your group must be willing to announce all Béstro’s events in your respective communications server.

[6] Your group cannot sell any ranks that grant administrative permissions in your communications server and/or Roblox main game.

Alliance Application

If your group meets our requirements, please answer the questions on the Google Form attached below. We recommend that you include detail in your writing. It will take up to 72 hours for your application and group to be reviewed and for results to be sent. If you end up looking through all of the information regarding the affiliate information and still don’t find your concern, you may direct yourself to a member of the Communications Department.

Béstro Alliance Application



If you have any questions that the Handbook didn’t answer, please contact a member of our Corporate Team or Presidential Team.

Béstro Presidential Team