Could somebody explain how to tween a image label using a quadratic bézier curve, because I didn’t understand a single from roblox’s example that they provided.
roblox’s example
function lerp(a, b, c)
return a + (b - a) * c
function quadBezier(t, p0, p1, p2)
local l1 = lerp(p0, p1, t)
local l2 = lerp(p1, p2, t)
local quad = lerp(l1, l2, t)
return quad
where are a, b and c defined
where is t, p0, p1, p2 defined
But just to give you a small hint, let’s take a quick look at it. a, b and c are just some variable. When you call the function, you wil use numbers. Example you could use 1 for a, 2 for b and 3 for c so you will call the function like that:
lerp(1, 2, 3). The rest will be calculated by the function esrlier created on the script