|BА| British Army - CODEX



1. This lawbook contains the core guidelines of the British Army. Every guideline within this codex should be followed without question. If you are currently serving in the British Army or intend to, it is your responsibility to follow and enforce these regulations while in any British Army game, and while being in our official regimental or standard uniform.

2. Follow the Chain of Command. Do not contact Command ranks for minor issues. Instead, contact the lowest ranking officer available.

3. You may only address Lieutenants and higher ranks as “Sir” or “Ma’am” based on their gender.

4. You may only address Warrant Officer and above by their rank title. You may not call them “Sir” nor “Ma’am", instead use “Warrant Officer”.

5. You are required to always wear the British Army uniform while on duty. Always follow the regulations for the map you’re in whether it’s formal, standard or regimental.

6. Trolling, immaturity, and foul language is not permitted while on any game, off-duty or on-duty.

7. In this group, ranks are earned. Asking for a promotion will not get you a promotion, instead work hard for your ranks and prove yourself worthy.

8. We do not expect the use of perfect grammar, however, use it to the best of your ability.

9. Recruiting and advertising for groups outside the British Army, is not allowed, and will result in a demotion or removal of post.

10. Before you record and report another group member to an Officer, attempt to warn them or correct their behavior, if the rule breaker continues, then contact the lowest ranking officer available.

11. The use of abbreviations is prohibited in the British Army except for group names and rank titles. (Examples of forbidden abbreviations are; “STS,” “PTS” etc.)

12. Faces or uses of emojis are not allowed, using any of these will result in a warning. Including: “XD” “:)”, etc.